ADSS Cable is loose tube standard. Fibers, 250 µ m. are positioned into a loose tube made or high modulus plastics. The rubes are filled with a water-resistant lilting compound. The tubes (and fillers) arc stranded around a FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) as a non-metallic central strength member Into a compact and circular cable core . Af1er the cable core is filled with tilling compound. it is covered with thin PE
(polyethylene) inner sheath. After stranded layer aramid yarns are applied over the inner sheath as strength member, the cable is completed with PE or AT (anti-tracking) outer sheath.
* Can be installed without shutting off power supply
* Arc-erosion-rcsistant AT jacket
* Light Weigh1 and small diameter reducing the load caused by ice and wind and 1he load on lowers and backprops
* Large span lengths more than I 000 meters
* Excellent performance of tensile strength and temperature
* The design life span is 30 years
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